Nappies and wipes.
Nutritious meals prepared daily
Regular updates and photos on our all in one Kinder M8 family app.
Quality learning resources.
Engaging specialised programs.
Regular festivities for annual events, cultural celebrations, and special occasions.
We welcome special guests and community members to the centre based on the children's interests.
Plus more! Speak to our educators for a full list of everything included.
We provide nappies, wipes, bed sheets, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea unless stated otherwise by the parent or guardian.
For babies, be sure to include: nappy rash cream, dummies, bottles and teats, comfort toy or blanket, sun hat, three spare outfits, spare socks, a jumper and a plastic bag for wet clothes.
For toddlers and preschool start with: Spare underwear, water bottle or sippy cup, sun hat, closed-toe shoes, two spare outfits, spare socks, a jumper and a plastic bag for wet clothes.
Plus anything else your individual child may need, such as breast milk, a sleeping bag, dummies, medication.
Yes, the nursery room educator will be able to assist you with this during your orientation.
Log in to your myGov account using your login credentials.
Once you are logged in, click on the "Centrelink" tab from the home page.
From the Centrelink page, select the "Payments" tab and then click on the "View Child Care Subsidy" option.
You should now be able to see your childcare subsidy details, including the amount you are entitled to receive, your payment history, and your next payment date.
If you have any questions or concerns about your childcare subsidy, you can contact the Centrelink customer service team through the myGov website.
To check your Activity Test requirements with Centrelink, you can follow these steps:
Log in to your myGov account using your login credentials.
Once you are logged in, click on the "Centrelink" tab from the home page.
From the Centrelink page, select the "Tasks" tab and then click on the "View Details" option next to your Activity Test requirements.
You should now be able to see your Activity Test requirements, including the number of hours you need to meet each week, and the types of activities that count towards meeting your requirements.
If you need to report your activities to Centrelink, you can do so by clicking on the "Report Now" button next to each activity.
You can also update your Activity Test requirements if your circumstances change by contacting Centrelink through the myGov website.
Click link below to see latest information from the myGov website.
Click here to download Kinder M8 user guide
Charge Calendar dates Download Here
Public holidays are charged at the normal daily fee. Families will be eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) for public holidays if they have not exceeded allowable yearly absences.
Under the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), families are allowed 52 absence days per child, per financial year. These can be taken for any reason, including public holidays and when children are sick, without the need for families to provide documentation.
Absences should only be claimed when care would have been provided if the child was not absent, and the family has been charged a fee for the session of care. CCS is only payable for absences submitted before a child has started at a service, or after a child’s final day of actual attendance at a service, under limited circumstances.
Please click here for more information about absences.
At Young Voyagers we have an abundance of toys and we ask that children do not bring in toys from home. This eliminates toys getting lost, broken, disappointment for other children and responsibility on Educators to track numerous toys throughout the day.
For safety and security reasons ALL children must be signed in on arrival, and signed out on departure. The times must be noted.
No child will be allowed to leave our Service with a person who is not stated on the enrolment form, unless prior arrangements are made with the Nominated Supervisor.
It is vital that we are aware of any allergies or asthma. Families are required to explain any allergy or asthma on the enrolment form as well as provide us with the diagnosis from the doctor. The Service has a procedure the staff follow to minimise allergic reactions.
The Service requires an Action Plan filled in by your Doctor to assist in managing your child’s needs. The Action Plan is to be updated every 6 months.